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Dental anxiety is a well-known fact by many dentists, but few have the technology to combat it. Thankfully, at Richard D. Weigand, DDS, we provide sedation dentistry to improve your experience with a dentist.

How does sedation dentistry work?

Do you dread a visit to the dentist? You don’t have to. Dr. Richard Weigand uses various techniques to ensure your visit to our clinic is stress-free. First, we use anesthesia to ensure that invasive procedures don’t inflict any discomfort. But for those over-anxious patients, we use the below techniques to calm their nerves.

Oral sedatives

Oral sedatives are taken an hour or so before your dental procedure to reduce anxiety, helping your dentist work on you stress-free. With oral sedation, you are awake through the treatment but less anxious. We usually recommend oral sedatives for procedures like crowns, dental bridges, and other minimally invasive dental treatments.

Intravenous (IV) sedatives

Also known as general anesthesia, IV sedatives put you to sleep until the medicine wears off. Dr. Weigand recommends IV sedatives for lengthy and complex dental procedures, such as full mouth reconstruction.

Who needs sedation dentistry?

Who are the perfect candidates for anxiety-free dentistry? If you are in the below categories, consider sedation dentistry from Richard D. Weigand, DDS. You need anxiety-free dentistry if you:

  • Have had a bad dental experience in the past
  • Have general phobia related to dental procedures
  • Are resistant to local anesthesia
  • Have a general anxiety disorder
  • Have over-sensitive oral nerves

If you notice you fall in the above problem areas, sedation dentistry can improve your experience in the hands of a dentist. Anxiety-free dentistry helps many patients get through phobia-provoking dental procedures like a root canal, tooth extraction, and dental implants.


Benefits of anxiety-free dentistry

Sedation dentistry yields many benefits, including:

  • Reduces anxiety
  • It helps the dentist perform the procedure with ease
  • Generates pain-free experience
  • Improves your oral hygiene, as you don’t put off your dental appointments due to fear

Painless Dentistry near me in Spokane, WA

Have you been postponing your dental appointments because the thought of a dentist makes you nervous? You don’t have to continue living like this. Please dial [phone] to book an appointment with Richard D. Weigand, DDS to enjoy our pain-free dentistry.

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