Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Veneers

Veneers are small, porcelain covers that are placed on teeth when they are broken, chipped or discolored. As your qualified, friendly dentist, Dr. Weigand wants to make sure that you understand what to expect if you choose dental veneers as your treatment option, so we’ve put together a list of frequently asked questions about them.

How Long Do They Last?

If they are placed correctly, veneers can last anywhere from seven to 20 years. There are times where they will chip and come off, but they can quickly be replaced or repaired. Over time, the gum tissue and the remaining living tooth may change in ways that require the veneers be altered.

What Will My Teeth Look Like?

Veneers and crowns usually require two visits. One is to shape your teeth and the second is to attach the restorations to your teeth. Between these two visits, you will have temporary covers placed on your teeth, so they look completely natural. While you have the temporaries and once the veneers are placed, the goal is that your teeth look completely natural, but healthier and brighter.

Can I Get Cavities with Veneers?

Oral hygiene and tooth decay are always an issue no matter what treatment you are undergoing. Brushing and flossing are as vital with veneers as it is with your natural teeth. Studies show that there is no lower or higher incidence of tooth decay if you care for your veneers appropriately.

Do Veneers Match My Other Teeth?

If you are choosing a treatment that makes some of your teeth brighter and whiter, you may have some concern that they won’t match your natural teeth. It’s natural to have some fading or discoloration in your natural teeth and fortunately, this is a situation that your dentist will address. You can either have your veneers made to match your natural teeth or choose a brighter shade for your veneers and whiten the rest of your teeth.

Contact Us

If you want to learn more about how to improve your smile with veneers, schedule an appointment with us. Our cosmetic dentistry options can improve your oral hygiene and your confidence.

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